
How to support Linsey’s campaign

First and foremost talk to your friends and neighbors to express why you think Linsey will be good for Delaware and make sure they are registered to vote. Next, follow Linsey on Facebook and Instagram and react, comment and share her posts. You can also show up to events and bring your friends. If you are able to be more involved please consider the options below and we will contact you ASAP. Thank you for whichever level support you can offer!

Select your method of support from the options below. If you aren’t able to canvass but still want to support the campaign your donations will be a tremendous help

  • Select this option to help with boots on the ground to hand out flyers and knock on doors

  • Select this option to support via calling, texting or using social media

  • Select this option if you have a home or business in ward 1 or surrounding areas and we will deliver a yard sign to you